Friday, November 12, 2010

Hoshi no Yakata

At last.
A time to rant about Hoshi no Yakata, at long last....!!
So, what is Hoshi no Yakata about, you ask. Well.... if you don't like yaoi (GuyXGuy) then DON'T READ ANY FURTHER!!!
So anyway, the story revolves around the cast of the suburban SM club, Hoshi no Yakata (Palace of Stars).
The main characters are: Sumiya, Sakurai (aka Master), Kaoru, Shaoron, Yuuki (I hate him), Nanasaka (a politician- I hate him too) and Hirofumi. So basically it's about their lives, and there's a lot of angst, hardcore S/M, and of course... YAOI. It's really hardcore, so for those with a weak heart or those under 18, kindly DO NOT read it. You'll probably get the shock of your life. (Haha.)
In any case, the cosplayers for Hoshi no Yakata are reaalllyy cool.

Like these guys. Though I don't know who they are, they did a really good job cosplaying as the Sakurai, Sumiya and Kaoru of Hoshi no Yakata. Read on.

This is Kaoru and Sumiya, respectively, by the way.

It's Sakurai!! Sakurai Masahito! :D So cool! :D
Here are some nice shots of the cosplayers:) Enjoy:D

And here are some cute stuff- cosplay of Togainu No Chi! :D

Hehe. Hope you enjoyed it!
Oh and the photos are courtesy of Google Images:)

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME PICTURES. Woots. I can't seem to find all on Google by myself D:<
