Thursday, October 27, 2011

Latest Craze

Heya everyone... Wow, I've been outta action pretty long, eh... Well, the hols are finally gonna kick off, so I'll probably be posting more stuff!! :D

And now it's time for my latest craze...






Yes, you heard me.

Of course, that's not all. I like women. So Im gonna show you more pictures of women. (Though, sadly, they're not Mika.)

All righty. Gotta go. *cries* All credits go to Youtube (for Mika's pictures) and Jenna, owner of, for all the wonderful pictures. (Please check out her tumblr! It's really worth it!! :D)


Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Are Loved

I recently found this extract on the SALT club's blog, and I thought that maybe I should share it here :)

You Are Loved

A counsellor was conducting a family therapy session with the parents of a teenager who had been caught using drugs. The parents excused their daughters' drug use, saying that it was no big deal and just a phase that most teenagers go through. After a while the counsellor told the parents to leave the room and, turning to the daughter, asked her what she had heard. She replied, "I heard that they don't love me."

The counsellor realised that the daughter was dabbling in drugs to get her parents' attention. If she had felt genuinely loved by them, she would have wanted to love them back by choosing not to disobey.

Like that daughter, I often disobey my heavenly Father. My sin distresses me, and I beg God to help me love Him more. While this isn't a bad thing to pray, Paul says that it's even more important that we understand how much God loves us. Only when we appreciate "how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is" will we be eager to love him back (Ephesians 3: 18).

Consider the many ways God continually loves you. He overcame incalculable odds just to bring you into existence, and ever since then He has sustained your life with food, family and friendship. He gave His life for you, dying on the cross so you might live with Him forever.

He didn't go to all this trouble to let you drift away, so He "disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one He accepts as His child" (Hebrews 12:6). No child enjoys boundaries and discipline, but imagine how you'd feel if God didn't care. God loves you too much to shrug at your sin, so rejoice when you feel His firm hand of discipline. It means you are loved.

- Plate (taken from this month's issue of ODJ)

Monday, March 21, 2011


I'm back, after a really loooong break. Okay, now I guess I have to speed type because I'm running out of time and I've gotta do mah homework....

BUT that does not mean I'll stop blogging. (Wonder why i have no tumblr yet.....)
=   ='' Say, has anyone watched the Girl with The Dragon Tattoo?? Oh gosh it's awesome. Why? Because Lisbeth Salander (protagonist) is a LESBIAN~!!! (YEAHHH GAYNESS ROCKS)
And another reason why I'm exceptionally happy today is because of.... the fact I have Ka Onn's NUMBER!!! HANDPHONE NUMBER!!!! AHHHHHH~~~!!!! @-@ *love*
....yes. This is me. The REAL me. The me who can't stop stalking her seniors.... Hohoho.

And another thing. I'm working on a HarryXDraco fanfic... :) Wonder why my fever STILL hasn't subsided yet...
*sigh* I love my pet cat so so so much, and yet... she doesn't seem to realise it despite all the hints I keep giving her.... *sigh* But on the bright side, I'm gonna go with her class for ROCs 2!!! :DDDDD MAN this is awesome:)
Maybe I'll get to bunk in with her.... hehehehe.... *thinks sick*

....anyway... I am just IN LOVE with the movie the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo:) It's really great.... I think I'd like all the people in the world to watch it:)
You know, when I saw Lisbeth with Micke in the first movie I was pretty pissed because I thought she wasn't a lesbian anymore, which kind of sucks because I LOVE Ls:) BUT when I watched the 2nd movie I realised she was still with her girlfriend, I was ecstatic. :) it was... AWESOMENESS:D

ahhh.... looks like i have to go now. See y'all later, folks.